Hihi^^I'm here again~
Today I going to share my happiness to you guys!
We delay our 1th anniversary celebration becoz we have no time and busying our assignment,sad case :(
but now, we can pak tor ady!^^happy happy girl I am
I saw many people went to i-city and capture many funny and cute photo,
even i-city got so many Malay==but the place damn nice and it attract me, so we decided went to i-city !
After we having our dinner at Kenny Rogers,what we are going to do is" travel around" i-city!lol
Oh yeah,one thing I want to mention is we just used almost RM 100 for that day,including dinner!both of us!
quite cheap huh?ahahaha
Actually I came to i-city becoz of the trick art gallery,
becoz we just came to here about one or two times so we have no idea where it is and find it for a long time 0_0
I thought the trick art gallery is closed and we couldn't find it ,feel quite sad :(
but at last we found it!hehehe soooooooo HAPPY!
Okay now,I'll start our pak tor day with all the photo that we took last Thursday ^^

Ferris Wheel with him^^
Very scare to sit beside my boyfie, both of us too heavy!
You know what I mean right?hahaha
But of course I'll sit beside him,love you Eng boy=]
Tadaaa!Take a photo with Ferris Wheel!^^
Now is Trick art gallery!
My favorite place^^
Next time will come here with buddy becoz some of the art need more people to take the funny photo!
Miss Allison,wanna come to here with me next time?hehe
*See my boyfie,macam yes!lol^^
I know many people take this picture before right?hahaha
There have two wings on the wall but I can just only fix with the taller and bigger one:(
Why every girl can fix with the smaller one but I can't? sad case ar~~~~~
I'm not mention that I'm tall ya,hehehe^^I'm quite short actually.

Oh yeah,5D movie also not bad=] so exciting for me!hehehe
But the 3D effect not strong enough, look like watching 2D movie,lol
Lastly,Our Ferris Wheel selca!^^
Love you love you my boy,having a memorable day with you!=]
Full of happy,lovely,happiness and more with you my dear.Thank you,muack!
*spot my messy hair?hehehe
So sweet le... haha