we're the last group to present---->[Three Kingdoms]
Ep45~60(last)..i think...
enjoy this few days^^
first time...first time doing project back home so late!
bt never mind^^
our group members was: Ah Ling, Say Pei, Ah Hei, Zhi Ling, Ah Mong, ME^^, Carmen, Yong Jie n Ah Seng~~~(actually is followed by our class seat=D)
Ah Seng was the ''film's'' director...wakakaka
he quite efforts to write our script...so touchingT.T
nobody making ppt,no more time,we need to rush!
Mickey----->thanks for helping us!make the video until 3.00++a.m.~~~!

Ah Ling was the K-Leh-Feh King!!selalu mati sahaja...><

we had 3 more parts havent finish yet..
when rest,Carmen n i went to mak mak to eat roti telur...just beside our school--easy^^
so many nyamuk ar!!!!!!
[Three Kingdoms],
coming soon at Kwang Hua High School,Senior Middle One White Class=)
and the actress was Carmen Lee, no Actor....so sad!!

OMG! lying on the floor

me---holding 关刀,
my role was Zhou Shan, Wei's King and K-Leh-Feh....><
my role was Zhou Shan, Wei's King and K-Leh-Feh....><
(actually i dunno what the story talking bout=.=)
we had 3 more parts havent finish yet..
when rest,Carmen n i went to mak mak to eat roti telur...just beside our school--easy^^
so many nyamuk ar!!!!!!
[Three Kingdoms],
coming soon at Kwang Hua High School,Senior Middle One White Class=)
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