Thursday, 10 September 2015

Thousand years ago

           Hey'll! Finally found my blog link after so long. Guessing what my blog link would be but keep guessing wrong till now I can remember my *blog title*? Kind of,lolz..I mean the "Mr. and Mrs."....Reading all my previous post is like ohmygod why was I so funny, everyone has a past isn't it so..forget it!hehe

        Now is 10th Sept 2015 and I'm 21st, studying the last very tough semester and going to intern. Hmmm, people grew so fast huh? Now is my turn to moving another stage of my life. Earning money myself, starting to buy car, house, etc. Times past so fast. Do everything worthy, don't waste your time!

      BTW, this coming October is my graduation showcase! Hoping I can finish up all my final project to show all of you. Okay, have to continue my assignment, see you!* Maybe few years later*