In fact, I suppose to update my blog last few days, but I have something to do so *pretense pretense pretense*....This Friday, I joined our college to go to a school education exhibition and Miss Ain treated us McD as our lunch,yoohoo!!! And then, this Saturday Deacon and I tried very hard to learn 4 minutes' What's your name's dance, what I can say is damn god hard man! -.- But I'll try my best lah lah lah.....
Okay, back to Mr.Richard's birthday celebration, prepared by us ^^v
Actually we only have one week to prepare it, and we only have 1 hour to celebrate with him and it is super duper rush. BUT, we did it and very successful! hehehehe
AND, this is my first time to be an emcee! so excited and nervous becuz I have no idea why they choose me and I have no any experience at all ><hahahaha..btw, my lecturer gave me a good feedback so....maybe I will try!
So today I will post "a lil bit" photo of that day and hope you guys enjoy ya!
This is our signature board to Mr.Richard and we have make a video about wishing Mr.Richard happy birthday that you can watch it on Youtube or below :) By the way, I love it so much! Especially my picture with yellow background,lol
*Some of the problems occurred......oh oh oh ~~~my face look stupid dambo here-.-
Where the hell I'm watching,lol, Am I looking Zi Mei or who?0.0
Another program is singing! Performed by Ariel and Gordon *I have forgot the boy's name who playing guitar,lol* I think he don't mind,hahaha
The song they sang were "Daylight". Hmmm, quite nice huh?hahaha
Birthday cake now......He is the "zhu in gong" of the day, Mr. Richard=]
singing birthday song, make a wish, blow the candles and cut the cake session,lol~~~
I love the chocolates topping, it is so yummy!
Two guys who are playing guitar and Piano when we are singing the birthday song, I only know who are the guy in right hand side, the guy who in the other side...hmm...forget it,lol! The guy with white shirt called Ah Gan who is same class with me and he is such a dambo and funny person,hahaha
This is also the first time that I represented our batch students to give our signature board and the disc that inside has burned the video we made it to Mr.Richard...I mean I didn't have any chance to represent anything when I'm in primary school or secondary school, like my class or our society give something to someone on the stage, get it?=]hahaha
And now is photo time!!! They are my "dearest" lecturers,lol
Group photo! Happy ending =]
Emcee of the day! Both of us also are the first time to be an emcee~~
*Okie, I look stupid here too-.-
*Stupid, crazy, below!!*
Cute dear^^ hahaha,always do the dambo things and amke us laugh,hahaha
oh yeah, dear also look very yeng here!=]
Actually we were acting like 2NE1 here ,but I think....failed!hahaha
I have no idea how to postured like 2NE1 becuz I forgot how they postured-.-Only JunHui and Deacon remembered, hahaha

Deacon's photoshoot here *I have added some effect,lol*~~~Dear suppose to come here and to take many stupid photo with us><But after I took all the photos, then I only knew that dear was cleaning in classroom 1 alone......How hindsight I am...btw, I went to classroom 1 and help dear cleaned all the staff, hope dear don't mind ya!><hahaha
Dear doing the wrong expression here, he suppose to be cool right? ^^hahaha
But still look handsome you! <3 hehehe
We're going to present 3 different faces----ugly, pretty/handsome and sissy!!
Who is the most ugliest face??
I think dear and I are the most handsome and prettiest person in this photo,hahahaha!
*just kidding,lol*
The winner goes to KamChun!hahaha
Lastly, selfie of the day....^^ *Chrissy style again,lol*
Me and my Iron man=]hehehe
It's all for today,hope you guys understand my broken English and enjoy my blog=]
Happy Father's Day to y'll! My dad is so happy for his father's day present,hahaha
Good night world! Good night my dear <3