Thursday, 30 May 2013

My lucky star

Hey guys! Must watch this movie ya-"My Lucky Star" !   *support support support 
Boyfie and my super idol is appear in this film! Oh my god, super happy now~~~~^^v

He is...Lee Hom Wang! Is he handsome?^^ 

The only scene that attracted me so much is Lee Hom's sexy back~~~~weet weet ^^
*Imma ham sap!

Good Night yo!

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Lil YuanYuan baby~~~

Hello hello, our new members^^
His name is Si Yuan,but we all caledl him as Yuan Yuan, a 13 days born baby! How cute you are!
I not dare to carry him because he is so jelly>< He come to this world only 13 days, not yet fully developed.

The 陪月婆asked me try to carry baby because one day I will become a MUM, so must learn it now! lol,ok......BTW,I can carry him easily! I thought it was very hard to carry,hahahaha=]

YuanYuan's parent is my brothers' step parent, so YuanYuan automatically become their step lil brother! So good, they have a cute baby brother =] Oh yeah, YuanYuan has double eyelid, cute dimple and he will become very fair!  *His sister who is has healthy skin colour, no double eyelid and no dimple~~~~~abit sad><

Lil baby Yuan show his mother father gentleman to us! LOL~~~
We're disturbing him,hehehe=]
sleep tight my dear~~~~

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Oppa Oppa

In Sung oppa, In Sung oppa.....can I have a date with you again?hahaha
My Eng oppa get jealous because of you, you know?
Now,I have a very handsome, muscular, yeng , sozai, cute...hmm, what words still can I  describe my baby boy? hehehe
Okay, I have a GOOD GOOD GOOD plus "est" boyfie ever! ^^
You are the best boyfie in the word Mr. Eng! <3  love you love you~~~~~
Love you deeply, ok? :)

Just imported my old blog post into this new blog! So I can read my oldest post, and can see that I apparently changed! * I'm not mean that I had changed to prettier or don't misunderstand ya~~~
This year, I had forgot my previous blog's link and account so I open a new one...
but today, I finally seek out my old blog's link and account,lol!
That's why I used some time to imported my oldest post from old blog into the new one!

Thanks god I found it! Done many stupid and childish things in my life,hahahahaha
*sweet memory~~~~

Once again, sorry for my poor English!

Saturday, 25 May 2013

A date with In Sung Oppa


        老实说,我严重爱上这部韩剧啦,中毒ING~~~hahahaha~~~本人强力推荐,因为这是我很喜欢的韩剧类型,浪漫又带有悲伤,赞啦!看了那么多的韩剧,很少韩剧会被列入在我心目中最Dae Bak的最的韩剧,而《那》就是我列表中最新的韩剧,哈哈哈


        好了好了,脱离太远了,回到主题!就在这星期,我和妹飞去Paradigm Mall见我的吴树Oppa啦~~~~~<3 我终于终于都见到他本尊,开心惨~~~~~ 原本是只有我和妹去看而已,哪里知道少箐也问起有没有去,随后大家就一起去啦^^好久没追星了,感觉好疯狂,快窒息了~~~我的意思是-----人挤暴了!

       Dar就在那天当了我的司机^^谢谢你啦,辛苦了,哈哈~~~要他陪我来看另一个oppa,呵呵呵~~~还好在kitkat,Abang和肥田的陪同下,他就没那么闷了=]他们不明白为啥咱们女生会那么疯狂,哈哈哈~~~~换做是少女时代,我就看他们会不会疯狂!哈哈  (一群少时的粉丝)


最近一直留意Astro One,不想missed掉自己被访问的画面,哈哈




# 少箐和她妈都是追星一族,这种地方他们跑惯了,


Monday, 6 May 2013


现在我们能做的,就是团结在一起,不要放弃。Bersih 4.0,我们来了!