Thursday, 19 September 2013
093 学佛营~~~♥♥♥
因为家里是道教,老爸老妈一直担心我会被洗脑,其实不是,而是我在那佛学营里真的学到了一些东西,不管是做人还是什么的,不是我不要分享到底学到了什么,而是我懒惰打出来= = 有机会再分享吧!哈哈哈
在这佛学营里,让我认识了一些人,不同年龄层的朋友。还认识了一些很可爱的女生,虽然大家都大过我,但我们的样子真的好像平岁那样,我太“成熟”了啦!><我们在巴士上聊了很多女人经,哈哈,互相吐苦水,虽然我还不够经验,我最多也只能分享我的一些感情事而已=] 听了他们说了一些女人经后,真的觉得我这位帅帅的男友最好了!活在当下各位!
接下来的10月和11月,有几个佛学活动,我和Penny都会去做义工,当然还有男友和他brothers啦,哈哈~~~~在10月的法会,朋友jio我们担任穿baju kurung的人(我忘了叫啥名了) 来迎接心道法师进场呢!可能,还不确定的,要订做一件衣要超不多100++左右....这种穿baju kurung的女生是要经过筛选的哦,有够条件才可以担任迎接嘉宾的呢!你明白我要表达什么吗?^^哈哈哈哈,开玩笑啦厚
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Bello September =)
Anyway, I just blog what I want to share and I won't feel boring when writing a blog just lazyyy. I update my blog not recently because.....yeah,I'm lazy!lol, before my sem break I feel lots of passion to blog but after sem break, I just feel like always remind myself to blog later but still forget!hahaha
Okay!Talk something about my sem break holidays yo! =]
Just a simple post...full of photos....I think :p
I had mentioned that Ho family and Lim family have a vacation to Cameron Highland right?
Continue the story.....
Actually no any special stuff happened but we enjoy the trip^^
At night we went to the night market shopping and eating, when back to our hotel we just chillingggggg in the balcony chit-chat and drinking beer to warm the cold weather and drinking some beer, daebak!!
Oh yeah, I highly recommend you guys go to visit Lavender garden is the must! *lavender lover*
Hope that next time will visit Cameron Highland again, bring my boy along and chilling in the cold weather^^hehehe
Now let's the photos tell you the story.......
Lim Family!!!!
Pretty flower photos taken by me and Zixian, trying to edit more vintage and make it as my desktop wallpaper^^
Crazy dumbo photos below:
We trying to act like those who took this kind of photo before, failed!hahaha
*grass wall as background is super pretty!
I look so chubby-.- Or I mean fat??
okay...I'm fat,haha
Actually we were acting someone who posing always look very old fashion----xiao zhi!hahaha
I don"t have potential in modeling, give up lah moi! :p
Last but not least, our happy and lovely Lim family ^^
*Can't wait ANTM cycle 20!!!!*
Goodnight everyone! Goodnight my dear^^ Love you <3
Monday, 5 August 2013
August is good to me =]
*Our very macam yes "photoshoot" at Cameron Highland last few days :)
We found a pretty wall which is full of grasses and decided to take some photos that we saw many people took photo with this background before,hahaha,how sakai we are. Lol....
This month I have 2 trips to go!Yeepeee!So, August is good to me isn't it? It fulfilled my desire^^
This week Lim family and Ho family went to Cameron Highland for a short trip. I went there before while I was young and small... I mean very very small since I can't recognize any part of Cameron Highland at all -.-How sad is it ,hehehe
I'll blog about my Cameron Highland later on, cuz now I'm rushing my dumbo mini project and final exam!
Another reason is...I need to get ready for my second trip of the month!!^^My next trip is follow Dear's family and friends to Port Dickson! I know I went there before but this time I having a trip with different people and have a different feeling=] How cool huh?hehehe, I'm so excited for this trip also which is fall on this Wednesday! Gotta packing my luggage soon....
Okay,That's for today..Hope you guys have a great day!
Friday, 5 July 2013
My boy's badminton league ^^
Tadaaa!He is my handsome plus giet giet boyfie^^
I think you guys had seen these photo on FB, it posted on this Wednesday.
Actually I have forgot his result of this badminton league cause he has too many badminton match such as league...friendly match....haha=] I think he won in the badminton league...right?hehe
I support him to play badminton always cause this not a bad thing right? Better than clubbing, smoking, gambling....These are only my opinion,cause I really don't like my boyfie goes to clubbing or something, so I just let him play badminton!hahaha=]
Dae Bak badminton boyfie! love you love you deep deeply, mu~~~~~acks!
I just wanted to show you guys his few photos by the way, hehehehe
The best badminton player in the world^^
*still considering want to post about my ear pierce or not? It's kinda disgusting,lol
Monday, 1 July 2013
Random 1: trip trip trip
Need a trip badly!
Now what I'm planning is have a trip with my boyfie and bestie around end of the year! Well, Miss Allison ask me to plan where we wanted to go, boyfie first suggest is beach cause we love beach!!!<3 Boyfie and I have some common things, but one thing I very sure to you guys is, I'm not as perseverance as boyfie share you guys what common things we have but it seem like out of topic!hahaha
I started to save some money from now on and I hope that it is enough for the trip!
Actually I love to travel oversea but some problems that can't let it achieve -.- so, some of the places in Malaysia that I prefer are Pulau Pinang * Lim family love the place so much!* , Melacca and beach such as Pulau Redang/ Pulau Lang Tengah~~~I went to Pinang and Malacca for thousand times, I even know which road can reach where...I think still can remember some....I think...haha!
The reason why I love Melacca and Pinang so much cause I love to eat, like a pig,lol! There have so many delicious foods and I can keep enjoy eating at there....I'm starving now, those foods floating in front of me,hahaha^^
Here's are some my memorable trip photos about few months...years.....ago!ahahah!
Melacca trip with Lim family
Fraser's Hill trip with Lim family and Ho family
Okay,that's it for today=]
It's time to bed, wake up in the morning tomorrow to cook my portobello mushroom lasagna!
First time oh oh oh^^Good night world!
Now what I'm planning is have a trip with my boyfie and bestie around end of the year! Well, Miss Allison ask me to plan where we wanted to go, boyfie first suggest is beach cause we love beach!!!<3 Boyfie and I have some common things, but one thing I very sure to you guys is, I'm not as perseverance as boyfie share you guys what common things we have but it seem like out of topic!hahaha
I started to save some money from now on and I hope that it is enough for the trip!
Actually I love to travel oversea but some problems that can't let it achieve -.- so, some of the places in Malaysia that I prefer are Pulau Pinang * Lim family love the place so much!* , Melacca and beach such as Pulau Redang/ Pulau Lang Tengah~~~I went to Pinang and Malacca for thousand times, I even know which road can reach where...I think still can remember some....I think...haha!
The reason why I love Melacca and Pinang so much cause I love to eat, like a pig,lol! There have so many delicious foods and I can keep enjoy eating at there....I'm starving now, those foods floating in front of me,hahaha^^
Here's are some my memorable trip photos about few months...years.....ago!ahahah!
Melacca trip with Lim family
Pangkok trip with boyfie and buddy <3
Dardar sozai face^^He said don't describe him as cute,hehehe
Ignore my ugly dambo face,thank you,lol!
Love this photo to the maxxxxxxx!
Banting trip with big family and childhood buddies!
It's time to bed, wake up in the morning tomorrow to cook my portobello mushroom lasagna!
First time oh oh oh^^Good night world!
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Mr.Richard's Birthday ~~~!
In fact, I suppose to update my blog last few days, but I have something to do so *pretense pretense pretense*....This Friday, I joined our college to go to a school education exhibition and Miss Ain treated us McD as our lunch,yoohoo!!! And then, this Saturday Deacon and I tried very hard to learn 4 minutes' What's your name's dance, what I can say is damn god hard man! -.- But I'll try my best lah lah lah.....
Okay, back to Mr.Richard's birthday celebration, prepared by us ^^v
Actually we only have one week to prepare it, and we only have 1 hour to celebrate with him and it is super duper rush. BUT, we did it and very successful! hehehehe
AND, this is my first time to be an emcee! so excited and nervous becuz I have no idea why they choose me and I have no any experience at all ><hahahaha..btw, my lecturer gave me a good feedback so....maybe I will try!
So today I will post "a lil bit" photo of that day and hope you guys enjoy ya!
This is our signature board to Mr.Richard and we have make a video about wishing Mr.Richard happy birthday that you can watch it on Youtube or below :) By the way, I love it so much! Especially my picture with yellow background,lol
*Some of the problems occurred......oh oh oh ~~~my face look stupid dambo here-.-
Where the hell I'm watching,lol, Am I looking Zi Mei or who?0.0
Another program is singing! Performed by Ariel and Gordon *I have forgot the boy's name who playing guitar,lol* I think he don't mind,hahaha
The song they sang were "Daylight". Hmmm, quite nice huh?hahaha
Birthday cake now......He is the "zhu in gong" of the day, Mr. Richard=]
singing birthday song, make a wish, blow the candles and cut the cake session,lol~~~
I love the chocolates topping, it is so yummy!
Two guys who are playing guitar and Piano when we are singing the birthday song, I only know who are the guy in right hand side, the guy who in the other side...hmm...forget it,lol! The guy with white shirt called Ah Gan who is same class with me and he is such a dambo and funny person,hahaha
This is also the first time that I represented our batch students to give our signature board and the disc that inside has burned the video we made it to Mr.Richard...I mean I didn't have any chance to represent anything when I'm in primary school or secondary school, like my class or our society give something to someone on the stage, get it?=]hahaha
And now is photo time!!! They are my "dearest" lecturers,lol
Group photo! Happy ending =]
Emcee of the day! Both of us also are the first time to be an emcee~~
*Okie, I look stupid here too-.-
*Stupid, crazy, below!!*
Cute dear^^ hahaha,always do the dambo things and amke us laugh,hahaha
oh yeah, dear also look very yeng here!=]
Actually we were acting like 2NE1 here ,but I think....failed!hahaha
I have no idea how to postured like 2NE1 becuz I forgot how they postured-.-Only JunHui and Deacon remembered, hahaha

Deacon's photoshoot here *I have added some effect,lol*~~~Dear suppose to come here and to take many stupid photo with us><But after I took all the photos, then I only knew that dear was cleaning in classroom 1 alone......How hindsight I am...btw, I went to classroom 1 and help dear cleaned all the staff, hope dear don't mind ya!><hahaha
Dear doing the wrong expression here, he suppose to be cool right? ^^hahaha
But still look handsome you! <3 hehehe
We're going to present 3 different faces----ugly, pretty/handsome and sissy!!
Who is the most ugliest face??
I think dear and I are the most handsome and prettiest person in this photo,hahahaha!
*just kidding,lol*
The winner goes to KamChun!hahaha
Lastly, selfie of the day....^^ *Chrissy style again,lol*
Me and my Iron man=]hehehe
It's all for today,hope you guys understand my broken English and enjoy my blog=]
Happy Father's Day to y'll! My dad is so happy for his father's day present,hahaha
Good night world! Good night my dear <3
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