went to YYBing's house today too
different things we make today
decorate, made cheese tast, fried egg...
Times,start now!!
Cheese tast cheese tast^^
waiting you for long time!!
learning how to made cheese tast today.
I envy yoyoBing sometime
she n her mother knw how to made many kinds of dessert, food...
For me, apa pun tak tau
bt i'm learning now^^
Xpher n 'Gold fish' gt came to YYBing's house
duunno thay came for what,
decorate??made cheese tast??
they're also a helpful guy
SOMETIMEsometime only!haha
If u knw how we made the cheese tast
u wont buy the cheese tast on tat day
i swearXD
what a disgusting cheese tast!yyeeerr!!!!
talk talk talk again=p
talked a lot of nonsense!
talked about!@#$%^&*()_+ again..wakakakaXD
not only girls,
boys also think about that, oh no!
he don't knw i'm capture him
he ad knw we're capturing he><